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1、感情让我难过,生活一样没放过我。 Feelings make me sad, life does not let me go. 2、就算我喜欢你,我也从未想过要打扰你,你不必惊慌。 Even if I like you, I never want to disturb you. You don't have to panic. 3、以前睡不着是因为睡得太多了,现在睡不着是因为想得太多了。 In the past, I couldn't sleep because I slept too much. Now I can't sleep because I think too much. 4、不是我不在乎你,而是你所谓的在乎让我承受不起。 It's not that I don't care about you, but your so-called care makes me unable to bear it. 5、对于你的离去,我毫不在意,关于你我的故事,我只字不提。 I don't care about your leaving. I don't mention a word about you and me. 6、如果你看不出我的口是心非,我也不要让你看见我的眼泪。 If you can't see my duplicity, I don't want you to see my tears. 7、你并不内向,只是不想搭理在你心中不重要的人。 You are not introverted, just don't want to talk to people who are not important in your heart. 8、该失望的事,从来没有辜负过我,每次都是认认真真的让我失望。 The disappointment, never let me down, every time is seriously let me down. 9、白白的过一天,无所事事,就像犯了窃盗罪一样。 Spend a day in vain, doing nothing, just like committing the crime of theft. 10、人活的之所以累,是放不下架子撕不开面子解不开情节。 The reason why people are tired is that they can't put down the shelf, can't tear off the face, and can't solve the plot. 11、清水入喉像烧胃的烈酒,说要留下的人早已远走。 Water into the throat, like the spirit of burning the stomach, said to stay long gone. 12、没什么,只是学聪明了,不再问你离开我的原因。 Nothing, just learn to be smart, no longer ask you why you left me. 13、分手之后我不奢求什么,只希望你遇见的女人一个不如一个。 After breaking up, I don't ask for anything. I just hope the woman you meet is not as good as one. 14、人之所以会心累,就是常常徘徊在坚持和放弃之间,举棋不定。 The reason why people feel tired is that they often wander between persistence and giving up. 15、比起怒骂,沉默才是最彻底的失望。 Silence is the most complete disappointment than anger. 16、怎么会没有心事,那一直是你的名字。 How can there be no worry, it has always been your name. 17、永远不要在相信别人的基础上去做事,因为每个人都是座孤岛。 Never do things on the basis of trusting others, because everyone is an island. 18、今生最大的奢望就是:和你平淡相守到老,老到我们哪也去不了。 This life's biggest extravagant hope is: and you stay together until old, so old that we can't go anywhere. 19、绝望掩埋了欢笑,失望掩饰了一切,我该做的,就是学会忘记。 Despair buried laughter, disappointment covered everything, I should do, is to learn to forget. 20、心碎一旦到过极限,用多少岁月,都愈合不完全。 Heartbreak once to the limit, with how many years, are not fully healed. 21、舞蹈表面的华丽,谁知背后的心酸。 The gorgeous dance surface, who knows the sadness behind. 22、我讨厌分手以后告诉我你要幸福噢,我没你我怎么幸福。 I hate to tell me you want to be happy after breaking up. Oh, I can't be happy without you. 23、不要奢望的太多、不然只有失望在等你。 Don't expect too much, or only disappointment is waiting for you. 24、有谁会在路过我空间时,在我留言板上说句:你还好么? Who will pass my space and say on my message board: are you ok? 25、这个夏天很干净,没有故事没有你。 This summer is very clean, no story without you. 26、看着你离开的背影,我哭了,你都已不在乎我,我又何必在乎你。 Looking at the back of you leaving, I cried, you do not care about me, why do I care about you. 27、怪我入戏太深,结局却一个人,原地傻傻的等,换不回那温存。 Blame me too deep into the play, but the end of a person, in situ silly, etc., can not change back that warm. 28、习惯难受,习惯思念,习惯等你,可是却一直没有习惯见不到你。 Used to uncomfortable, used to miss, used to wait for you, but has not been used to not see you. 29、初到上海,堕入风尘,灯红酒绿下那些男人女人让我迷茫而无助。 When I first arrived in Shanghai, I fell into the dust. The men and women made me confused and helpless. 30、我不怪你不爱我,要怪就怪我入戏太深。 I don't blame you for not loving me. If you want to blame me, I'm too involved in the drama. 31、泪水模糊了谁的视线,青丝佛过了谁的脸面。 Tears blurred whose vision, green silk Buddha over whose face. 32、粉底用来遮掩皮肤的瑕疵,微笑用来掩盖心灵的伤口。 The foundation is used to cover up the defects of the skin, and the smile is used to hide the wound of the mind. 33、世上本没有路,走的人多了便成了路。 There is no road in the world, and it becomes a road when more people go. 34、曾经双手紧扣的誓言,现在都变成了笑话! Once the oath of clasping hands has become a joke! 35、原来,并不是所有的疼痛,都可以呐喊。 Originally, not all the pain, can shout. 36、一见钟情的爱也是爱,不过那只是短暂的。 Love at first sight is also love, but it is only temporary. 37、忽然有一天看到他失恋了,从来没有给他留言过的我给他了。 Suddenly one day, I saw that he was lovelorn, and I never left a message for him. 38、爱的越多就越廉价,不是他不懂爱,而是他习惯了被你爱。 The more you love, the cheaper it is not that he doesn't understand love, but he is used to being loved by you. 39、后来遇见的人都像你,可是都不如你。 The people I met later are like you, but they are not as good as you. 40、我尝过爱情了,甜中带苦,还是一个人生活吧,无所谓孤独。 I've tasted love, sweet with bitter, or a person to live, it doesn't matter lonely. 41、原来的地久天长,只是一场误会。 The original time is long, just a misunderstanding. 42、我不是高傲,也不是胡闹,只是厌倦了那些随时可能失去的依靠。 I am not arrogant, nor nonsense, just tired of those who may lose at any time to rely on. 43、再美的烟花,也只不过几秒钟的美丽的而已。 No matter how beautiful the fireworks are, they are only beautiful for a few seconds. 44、失去的多了,得到的少了,明白了应该好好珍惜自己现在所有的! Lost more, get less, understand should cherish their own now all! 45、只有幸福的爱情是假的,真正的爱情总少不了一点痛彻心扉。 Only the happy love is false, the true love always has a little pain. 46、比情人浅,比朋友深,比陌生人熟,这就是你。 Shallow than lovers, deeper than friends, more familiar than strangers, this is you. 47、所有的伤痛都会逝去,却非所有的逝去都有补偿。 All the pain will pass away, but not all the past have compensation. 48、众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。 Looking for him thousands of times in the crowd, suddenly looking back, the man is in the dim light.




